来自 @OrangeX4 的解决方案
/// Align the list marker with the baseline of the first line of the list item.
/// Usage: `#show: align-list-marker-with-baseline`
#let align-list-marker-with-baseline(body) = {
show list.item: it => context {
let current-marker = {
set text(fill: text.fill)
if type(list.marker) == array {
} else {
let hanging-indent = measure(current-marker).width + .6em + .3pt
set terms(hanging-indent: hanging-indent)
if type(list.marker) == array {
// set the value of list.marker in a loop
set list(marker: list.marker.slice(1) + (list.marker.at(0),))
} else {
terms.item(current-marker, it.body)
/// Align the enum marker with the baseline of the first line of the enum item. It will only work when the enum item has a number like `1.`.
/// Usage: `#show: align-enum-marker-with-baseline`
#let align-enum-marker-with-baseline(body) = {
show enum.item: it => context {
if not it.has("number") or it.number == none or enum.full == true {
// If the enum item does not have a number, or the number is none, or the enum is full
return it
let weight-map = (
thin: 100,
extralight: 200,
light: 300,
regular: 400,
medium: 500,
semibold: 600,
bold: 700,
extrabold: 800,
black: 900,
let current-marker = {
set text(
fill: text.fill,
weight: if type(text.weight) == int {
text.weight - 300
} else {
weight-map.at(text.weight) - 300
numbering(enum.numbering, it.number) + h(-.1em)
let hanging-indent = measure(current-marker).width + .6em + .3pt
set terms(hanging-indent: hanging-indent)
terms.item(current-marker, it.body)
#show: align-list-marker-with-baseline
#show: align-enum-marker-with-baseline
- 1 + $display(integral) + x$
- 1 + $display(integral)$
1. 1 + $display(integral) + x$
2. 1 + $display(integral)$