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Typst 中文文档

link 元素
元素函数可以通过 set 和 show 规则进行样式自定义。

Links to a URL or a location in the document.

By default, links are not styled any different from normal text. However, you can easily apply a style of your choice with a show rule.


#show link: underline

https://example.com \

#link("https://example.com") \
  See example.com


This function also has dedicated syntax: Text that starts with http:// or https:// is automatically turned into a link.


The destination the link points to.

= Introduction <intro>
#link("mailto:hello@typst.app") \
#link(<intro>)[Go to intro] \
#link((page: 1, x: 0pt, y: 0pt))[
  Go to top

The content that should become a link.

If dest is an URL string, the parameter can be omitted. In this case, the URL will be shown as the link.