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Typst 中文文档

h 元素
元素函数可以通过 set 和 show 规则进行样式自定义。

Inserts horizontal spacing into a paragraph.

The spacing can be absolute, relative, or fractional. In the last case, the remaining space on the line is distributed among all fractional spacings according to their relative fractions.


First #h(1cm) Second \
First #h(30%) Second \
First #h(2fr) Second #h(1fr) Third

Mathematical Spacing

In mathematical formulas, you can additionally use these constants to add spacing between elements: thin, med, thick, quad, wide.


relative fraction

How much spacing to insert.

可用 Set 规则
可以使用 Set 规则,为函数后续所有的使用设置默认参数。

If true, the spacing collapses at the start or end of a paragraph. Moreover, from multiple adjacent weak spacings all but the largest one collapse.

Weak spacing in markup also causes all adjacent markup spaces to be removed, regardless of the amount of spacing inserted. To force a space next to weak spacing, you can explicitly write #" " (for a normal space) or ~ (for a non-breaking space). The latter can be useful to create a construct that always attaches to the preceding word with one non-breaking space, independently of whether a markup space existed in front or not.


#h(1cm, weak: true)
We identified a group of _weak_
specimens that fail to manifest
in most cases. However, when
#h(8pt, weak: true) supported
#h(8pt, weak: true) on both sides,
they do show up.

Further #h(0pt, weak: true) more,
even the smallest of them swallow
adjacent markup spaces.