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grid 元素
元素函数可以通过 set 和 show 规则进行样式自定义。

Arranges content in a grid.

The grid element allows you to arrange content in a grid. You can define the number of rows and columns, as well as the size of the gutters between them. There are multiple sizing modes for columns and rows that can be used to create complex layouts.

The sizing of the grid is determined by the track sizes specified in the arguments. Because each of the sizing parameters accepts the same values, we will explain them just once, here. Each sizing argument accepts an array of individual track sizes. A track size is either:

To specify a single track, the array can be omitted in favor of a single value. To specify multiple auto tracks, enter the number of tracks instead of an array. For example, columns: 3 is equivalent to columns: (auto, auto, auto).


The example below demonstrates the different track sizing options.

// We use `rect` to emphasize the
// area of cells.
#set rect(
  inset: 8pt,
  fill: rgb("e4e5ea"),
  width: 100%,

  columns: (60pt, 1fr, 2fr),
  rows: (auto, 60pt),
  gutter: 3pt,
  rect[Fixed width, auto height],
  rect[1/3 of the remains],
  rect[2/3 of the remains],
  rect(height: 100%)[Fixed height],
  image("tiger.jpg", height: 100%),
  image("tiger.jpg", height: 100%),

You can also spread an array of strings or content into a grid to populate its cells.

  columns: 5,
  gutter: 5pt,


auto int relative fraction array
可用 Set 规则
可以使用 Set 规则,为函数后续所有的使用设置默认参数。

The column sizes.

Either specify a track size array or provide an integer to create a grid with that many auto-sized columns. Note that opposed to rows and gutters, providing a single track size will only ever create a single column.


auto int relative fraction array
可用 Set 规则
可以使用 Set 规则,为函数后续所有的使用设置默认参数。

The row sizes.

If there are more cells than fit the defined rows, the last row is repeated until there are no more cells.


auto int relative fraction array
可用 Set 规则
可以使用 Set 规则,为函数后续所有的使用设置默认参数。

The gaps between rows & columns.

If there are more gutters than defined sizes, the last gutter is repeated.


auto int relative fraction array
可用 Set 规则
可以使用 Set 规则,为函数后续所有的使用设置默认参数。

The gaps between columns. Takes precedence over gutter.


auto int relative fraction array
可用 Set 规则
可以使用 Set 规则,为函数后续所有的使用设置默认参数。

The gaps between rows. Takes precedence over gutter.



The contents of the grid cells.

The cells are populated in row-major order.